Spotted Trotter Coppa!

Spotted Trotter's Coppa is a classic whole muscle salumi marinated in a rich blend of Urfa Biber pepper, white pepper, mace, smoked pimenton and garlic, and washed with red wine. Whole Muscle: ST-COPPA-1.5LB - Coppa - 1.5lb each (2ea/cs) Retail: ST-COPPA-2OZ - Coppa - 2oz each (15ea/cs)

Updated pricelists for the upcoming week (Friday to Thursday) are available on our website!

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Seafood Highlights

  • It's officially spawning season for Manilla Clams. Because of the very short lifespan and low quality, we will not be carrying them until late September. Cockles should be in good supply in the meantime.
  • Hard-shell Maine lobster landings continue to struggle, so more pressure is put on Canadian catches. Prices will continue to rise.
  • Bangs Island Mussels have increased their fishing, so we will have a good steady supply for the foreseeable future.
  • Yellowfin Tuna coming from Panama and Trinidad.
  • Fresh Halibut in house for the weekend.

Matiz Conservas

Matiz Gallego Seafood is harvested off the coast of Galicia Spain, known for its exceptional seafood. Once harvested, the seafood is prepared by hand using old master cannery know-how and then packed with the highest quality ingredients to produce a seafood that is moist, tender, and uncommonly flavorful. Traditional methods are used that respect the biological cycles of the species.

We are offering these exceptional quality conservas at an even more exceptional price!

Beat Congestion Pricing with unattended deliveries!

Congestion pricing starts in June. That means every delivery truck will pay a $24-$36 toll every time they cross below 60th street in Manhattan. New York will use the tolls to fund improvements to the MTA - which is good news for commuters, but it's going to be tough on our industry. If we beat the clock, we can beat these tolls. Before 5AM, the commercial vehicle toll is only $3. So, if we can access your kitchen to deliver your products before the sun comes up, we can save money and time together. We're already making unattended deliveries to over 100 kitchens throughout the NYC area.

Filip Group Caviar

National caviar day may have come and gone, but that doesn't mean every day isn't a great day for Caviar!

Filip Group offers more than ten types of caviar including Beluga, Kaluga, Osetra and Siberian Sturgeon caviars from Europe, Israel and local suppliers as well. They are dedicated to only sourcing product of exceptional quality, texture, and flavor from highly trusted and well-known suppliers.

Little Ram Oysters Coming Soon!

Little Ram Oyster Company is a female-owned and operated oyster farm that was established in 2018 by Elizabeth Peeples and Stefanie Bassett. Little Ram's petite oysters are clean and crisp from the high current, with a sweet, mellow finish.