Exciting News

Brand new to this website.

We are very excited to announce that the Price Lists can now be found on this very website. Done are the days where you needed to constantly check your spam to see if the Constant Contact email with the price lists had arrive. Now when you diligently visit our Market Reports every week, you can also check out your price lists. All you need is your customer code which can be found on your invoice or if you don't have an invoice handy let us know and we will supply you with the customers code.

Best Buys

In great supply


  • Hake
  • Monk
  • Pollock
  • Skate
  • Black Bass
  • Fluke
  • Wild Striped Bass
  • Red Snapper


  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Bronzini (400/600, 600/800, 800/100 Gram)
  • Dorade (400/600, 600/800 Gram)
  • Swordfish
  • Tuna
  • Chilean Sea Bass
  • Char
  • Verlasso Salmon


In short supply


  • Bruce Gore Cohos
  • Local Bay Scallops
  • Fresh Anchovies
  • Blackfish
  • Bluefish
  • Alain Milliat Raspberry Jam
  • Turbot


Fresh Tuna is once again in tight supply which is causing the price to rise once again after a few weeks of lower prices.

Specialty Items

Hackleback Caviar will be unavailable for a few weeks. We will be offering California Sturgeon as an alternative.

Live Lobster

Lobster prices are still increasing daily. Lobsters are still in short supply and it looks like they will remain that way until weather improves and more catch areas open.


The Scallop market continues to be very competitive. The landings on larger sized scallops has been poor, and vendors everywhere are fighting to get any of that landed supply. The price have remained at their current historic highs.