Weather Whiplash

Is it spring or is it winter?

Over the last week, we have experienced everything from full-blown spring beauty to snow, sometimes within the same day. All this weather whiplash may be confusing your palates, one moment you might be craving a hearty New England Clam Chowder, washed down with a hot cup of Kusmi tea, and the next you want a nice ceviche and a cold Kimino Yuzu soda, but fear not intrepid eaters, we are here to deliver exceptional products on time- as ordered.

Best Buys

The best of the weekend-


  • Hake
  • Cod
  • Halibut
  • Skate
  • Black Bass
  • Fluke
  • Wild Striped Bass


  • 400/600 Bronzini
  • 600/800 Bronzini
  • 800/1000 Bronzini
  • 400/600 Dorade
  • 600/800 Dorade
  • Arctic Char
  • Steelhead
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Ora King Salmon

Worst Buys

The worst of the weekend-


  • Scottish Salmon
  • Wild Salmon
  • Mahi
  • Porgies
  • Dogfish
  • Blackfish
  • Bluefish

Wild and Farmed Salmon

  • Norwegian Salmon producers are having biological issues that has caused a die off that is leading to rising prices.
  • There are large producers in Canada that are also having varying issues that have lead to large die offs which is creating a short in supply and an increase in price.


  • After a week of dropping prices and plentiful supply, Tuna is tightening up causing an increase in price once again.

Specialty Items

  • Boulart Frozen Bread, is a perfect addition to your bread needs. Boulart believes that less is more. There are no additives, no added sugar, no GMOs in this bread. Just perfect crust every time. We have a wide range of options available for Baguettes and Ciabatta to Fougasse and Focaccia, from loaves to bun to bites. All you need is a little bit of freezor space.

Live Lobster

  • Live lobster prices are still increasing daily and larger sizes are quite challenging to find. Supply has not rebounded from Lunar New Year, and it does not look like it will be rounding anytime soon.