Love is in the air

Everywhere we look around

Love should be celebrated every day, but since someone, somewhere, decided that there should be a specific holiday devoted to love; why not go over the top this Valentine's Day. After so much darkness the last few years now is the time to indulge. Indulge in the best the sea has to offer from lobsters to oysters to Chilean sea bass. Indulge in the best the land has to offer from Rougie Foie Gras to Montaraz Jamon Iberico to OMED Oils and Vinegars. Just remember that The Lobster Place | Gourmet Cargo is ready to deliver exceptional products on time- as ordered.

Endless Love

Will fill you heart with joy

North Atlantic

  • Cod
  • Hake
  • Halibut
  • Monk Tails
  • Pollock
  • Skate

Mid-Atlantic & South Atlantic

  • Black Bass
  • Fluke
  • Spanish Mackerel
  • Porgies
  • Wild Striped BAss
  • Tilefish
  • Grouper
  • Red Snapper


  • Norwegian Farmed Halibut
  • 400/600, 600/800, 800/1000 Bronzini
  • 400/600 600/800 Dorade
  • Arctic Char
  • Steelhead
  • Sixty South Salmon


Dream Maker, Love Taker

Not Available

  • Blackfish
  • Bluefish
  • Dogfish
  • Mahi
  • Albacore Tuna
  • Fresh Anchovies
  • Blowfish Tails

Cod and Ground Fish

  • Most ground and finfish are readily available for this weekend including Cod, Black Bass, Red Snapper and Pollock
  • Prices on Halibut have been dropping over the last week which is great news after the highs in December and January.


  • Fresh Tuna is still in good supply though Valentine's Day demand is beginning to cause the price to rise.

Shrimp, Octopus & Squid

  • Prices on Asian P&D are declining.
  • We just received more Skull Island Tiger Prawns. These large tiger prawns from Australia are MSC Certified so you can feel good about eating them.

Specialty Items

  • Maine Uni has begun to rebound. We have seen more availability this past week.


  • The Scallop market remains competitive, with larger size supply remaining tight. With the offerings reaining low, vendors have need to fight for their supply which have kept the prices high

Live Lobster

  • Lobster prices have remained high even after Lunar New Year. Part of this is due to low inventory in Canada that has not yet rebounded from Lunar New Year.